British Insects
Greenbottle - Lucilia caesar - In Dorset UK
Black-Tipped Soldier Beetle - a Mating pair - In Dorset UK
Greenbottle - Lucilia caesar - In Dorset UK
Amblyteles Armatorius - In Dorset UK
Common Green Grasshopper - Omocestus viridulus - In Hampshire UK
Bee on the decking of my caravan - In Waymouth Dorset UK
Thick-Legged Flower Beetle - Oedemera nobilis - In Middlesex UK
Pontania Proxima - A Type of Sawfly - in Middlesex UK
Five-Spot Burnet - Zygaena trifoliate - Resting on a long grass on a very hot day - In Hampshire UK
Small Red-Eyed Damselfly - Erythromma viridulum - Resting on a leaf beside a pond - In Middlesex UK
Enallagma cyathigerum On a Grass stem in Oxfordshire UK
Bumblebee - On flowers in our garden - In Middlesex UK
Agonum Sexpunctatum - A leaf creeping bug from the Order of Coleoptera Bugs - In Hampshire UK
Bee - Resting on flowers in our garden - In Middlesex UK
Flesh-Fly's - Sarcophago carnaria - A mating pair - In Hampshire UK
Damselflies a mating pair on a pond - In Middlesex UK
Damselflies Three mating pairs on one leaf - In Middlesex UK
Queen Ant - From a disturbed nest in our garden - In Middlesex UK
Ant's with Aphid's on the underside of a leaf in our garden - Ant's have a well known relationship with aphids they do not suck on them but they feed on faeces or excretions that secrete the aphids after feeding - In Middlesex UK
Green Weevil - Phyllobius Pomaceus - On a leaf - In Middlesex UK
Crab Spider catching a Fly - In Middlesex UK
White Crab Spider - Misumena vatia -catching a ladybird on a white flower - In Middlesex UK
Crab Spider catching a bee on a white flower - In Middlesex UK
Agapanthia Villosovirides is a flying Beetle from the Order of Coleoptera Beetles - In Middlesex UK
Agapanthia Villosovidesc is a flying beetle from the Order of Coleoptera Beetles - In Middlesex UK
A pair of Beetles Mating - In Middlesex UK
Black-Tipped Soldier Beetle - Rhogonycha fulva - In Hampshire UK
Shield Bugs - Dolycoris baccaram - A Mating pair In Middlesex UK
Hoverfly - Syrphus Ribesh - In Hampshire UK
St Marks Fly - On the Island of Portland in Dorset UK
Stag Beetle - Lucanus Cervus from the Lucanidae Family - In West London UK
Hover - File - Syrphus Ribesh - In Middlesex UK
White-Tailed Bumblebee - In Middlesex UK
Hover-Fly resting on a walkway - In Surrey UK
Green Sawfly - Rhogogaster viridian - In Middlesex UK
Eurydema Dominulus - A leaf creeping bug from the Order of Hemiptera Bugs - In Middlesex UK
Rose Chafer - Cetonia aurata - In Middlesex UK
Malachius Bipustulatus - A flying Beetle from the Order of the Coleoptera Beetles - In Dorset UK
Robber-Fly - A True Fly From the Order of Diptera Flies - In Middlesex UK
Strangalia Maculata is a flying beetle from the Order of Coleoptera Beetles - In Middlesex UK
Robber-Fly - A True Fly from the Order of Diptera Flies - In Middlesex UK
Black-Tipped Soldier Beetle - Rhagonycha fulva - In Hampshire UK
Green Lacewing - Chrysopa Perla - In Middlesex UK
Soldier Beetle - Cantharis rustica - In Middlesex UK
Lacewing - Chrysopa Perla- In Middlesex UK
Cardinal Beetle - Pyrochroa coccinea - Is a flying beetle from the Order of the Coleoptera Beetles - In Middlesex UK
Pyrochrosa Serraticornis - like the Cardinal Beetle but a red head not black - From the Order of the Coleoptera Beetles - In Middlesex UK
Pyrochroa Serraticornis - In Middlesex UK
Leaf Bug on a park bench in woodlands - In Middlesex UK
Pine Ladybird - Exochomus 4-pustulatus - In Middlesex UK